Sunday Church Service
Our Sunday morning service is at 10am
and everyone is welcome.
We would love you to stay afterwards
for fellowship over morning tea.
Our Creche for children under 3 1/2 years runs every Sunday morning. Our Children’s Church runs Sundays during school terms.
Sunday's service is live streamed on YouTube.
Please join by clicking below:
At Heretaunga Community Church, we take the safety and wellbeing of your children very seriously. For this reason, along with providing clean and healthy learning environments, we insist that all people who work in any of our children’s ministries comply with the following two requirements:
We don’t appoint anyone to serve in children’s ministry until they have been a part of our church for a minimum period of six months. This gives us time to consider their character and conduct and just to get to know them.
We police vet all adults 17 years and older and will only appoint those with a clear police record. As well as police vetting all new volunteers, we re-vet all existing volunteers every 3 years.

Finding Christ in our crazy world
Picture the wind and the waves of Matthew 14:22-33 where Peter is invited to walk on the water. Jesus had waited on a nearby hill until his disciples had exhausted their strength in the midst of the storm. In Matthew 14:13-21 Jesus had asked His disciples to feed 5000 hungry men. Quite an impossible task for tired and hungry disciples. Jesus had set up the entire situation with the storm and the 5000 to further develop their faith.
The point? Jesus is always looking to develop our faith, for without faith it is impossible to please God Hebrews 11:6. The greater the faith, the greater the glory for the Lord. So, we can count on it. It shouldn’t surprise us. The Lord will actually orchestrate situations in our lives, where we find ourselves hungry on the hillside or fearful in the midst of a storm with high waves and strong winds. We may fear our entire boat is about to capsize. But that is precisely when Jesus shows up, if we are looking for Him.